CPU for KS3


Understanding CPUs

What is a CPU?

A CPU (Central Processing Unit) is like the brain of a computer. It is one of the most important parts of a computer system. The CPU performs calculations and carries out instructions, allowing the computer to process data and perform tasks.

How Does a CPU Work?

The CPU works in a series of steps, like following a recipe. Let's understand the process:

1. Fetch

The CPU fetches, or retrieves, an instruction from the computer's memory. An instruction tells the CPU what operation to perform, such as adding two numbers or displaying something on the screen.

Understanding the CPU Fetch Step

The CPU fetch step is like a brain's first step in understanding what it needs to do. It's just like when you follow a recipe to bake cookies or build a LEGO set. You need to read the instructions to know what to do next. Similarly, the CPU fetch step is all about reading instructions, but instead of a recipe or LEGO instructions, it reads special instructions called "code" or "program" that tell the computer what to do.

Imagine you want to make a robot draw a smiley face on a piece of paper. You need to give it the right instructions. In this case, the CPU fetch step would be like the robot looking at a piece of paper that has the drawing instructions written on it. The CPU fetches these instructions from the computer's memory to understand what it needs to do.

Let's take another example. Suppose you have a calculator app on your computer or phone, and you want to add two numbers, let's say 5 and 3. When you press the plus sign and enter the numbers, the CPU fetches the instructions that tell it how to add numbers from the computer's memory. These instructions guide the CPU on what steps to take to perform the addition correctly.

Similarly, if you're playing a video game and you want your character to jump when you press a button, the CPU fetches the instructions for jumping from the memory. It needs these instructions to know how to make the character jump when you want it to.

In summary, the CPU fetch step is like the brain of the computer reading instructions from its memory. These instructions tell the CPU what tasks to perform, like drawing a smiley face, adding numbers, or making a character jump in a game. It's an essential first step for the CPU to know what it needs to do to make your computer or device work the way you want it to.

2. Decode

The CPU decodes the instruction, which means it understands what the instruction is asking it to do. It breaks down the instruction into smaller steps that it can execute.

CPU - Decode Step

The CPU decode step is the second step in the CPU where it interprets the fetched instructions and understands what actions to take. For example, let's say the CPU has fetched the instruction to add two numbers. In the decode step, it understands that it needs to perform an addition operation. Similarly, if the CPU has fetched the instruction to display a message on the screen, in the decode step, it understands that it needs to show that message on the screen.

After the fetch step, the CPU moves on to the decode step. The decode step is the second step where the CPU examines the fetched instructions and understands what they mean. It's like the CPU opening up the instructions and figuring out what they're saying.

Let's take an example to understand the difference between fetch and decode. Imagine you have a toy car that you can control with a remote. When you press a button on the remote, the car needs to follow your command. In this case, the fetch step would be like you pressing a button on the remote to send a signal. The car fetches the signal and knows that it needs to do something next.

The decode step, on the other hand, would be like the car receiving the signal and understanding what it means. If the signal says "move forward," the car decodes that instruction and knows it needs to start moving forward. If the signal says "turn right," the car decodes that instruction and knows it needs to turn to the right. It's the step where the car makes sense of the received signal.

In summary, the fetch step is about getting instructions from memory, and the decode step is about understanding and making sense of those instructions. They are two important steps in the CPU's process of executing tasks and making your computer or device work the way you want it to.

3. Execute

The CPU carries out, or executes, the instruction. It performs the actual calculations or operations specified by the instruction. For example, if the instruction is to add two numbers, the CPU adds them together.

CPU Execute Step - Explanation

The CPU execute step is the third step in the CPU where it actually performs the tasks instructed by the decoded instructions. It's like the CPU rolling up its sleeves and getting to work!

Let's consider the example of adding two numbers. After the fetch and decode steps, where the CPU fetched the addition instruction and decoded it to understand what needs to be done, the execute step is where the actual addition takes place. The CPU performs the addition operation and calculates the result.

Similarly, if the CPU received an instruction to display a message on the screen, the execute step is where it shows that message on the screen. The CPU carries out the necessary actions to make the message appear for you to see.

Think of it as following a recipe to bake cookies. The fetch step is like reading the recipe, the decode step is like understanding the ingredients and the steps involved, and the execute step is like actually mixing the ingredients, putting them in the oven, and baking the cookies.

In summary, the execute step is where the CPU performs the tasks specified by the decoded instructions. It's the step where the CPU takes action and completes the actions required by the program or the user's commands, such as performing calculations, displaying graphics, or interacting with other devices.

4. Store

After executing the instruction, the CPU may need to store the result in memory or in a register. The result could be a number or some other data that the program needs to use later.

CPU Store Step

The CPU store step is the final step in the CPU where it saves or stores the result of the executed instructions. It's like the CPU putting away the final product or outcome of its hard work.

Let's consider the example of adding two numbers. After the fetch, decode, and execute steps, where the CPU fetched the addition instruction, decoded it, and performed the addition, the store step is where the CPU stores or saves the result of the addition. This allows the result to be used later in the program or displayed to the user.

Think of it as completing a puzzle. The fetch step is like picking up a puzzle piece, the decode step is like understanding where the piece fits, the execute step is like actually placing the piece in the correct spot, and the store step is like completing the puzzle by keeping all the pieces in their places.

Similarly, if the CPU received an instruction to store a message in memory, the store step is where it saves that message in the computer's memory. This ensures that the message can be accessed and retrieved later when needed. Let's imagine the computer's memory as a big library with many bookshelves. Each bookshelf has a unique number, and each book on the shelf has its own specific location. When the CPU stores a message in memory, it's like putting that message into a book with a specific location on a particular bookshelf. When the computer wants to access the stored message later, it knows exactly which bookshelf and location to look for. It goes to that specific location, takes out the book with the message, and brings it back to use. Think of it as finding a particular book in the library. You have the book's unique identification number and its location on the bookshelf. You go to that bookshelf, find the book with the matching number, and take it off the shelf to read. In the same way, the computer knows the exact bookshelf and location of the stored message in memory. It retrieves the message by accessing that specific location and brings it back to use. This retrieval process happens in a later step of the CPU called the "fetch" step. During the fetch step, the CPU retrieves the stored message from memory and prepares it for further processing. So, by storing values in memory during the store step and retrieving them during the fetch step, the computer can keep track of information and access it whenever it's needed.

In summary, the store step is where the CPU saves or stores the result of the executed instructions. It ensures that the output of the CPU's operations is preserved and can be used later in the program or displayed to the user. This step is crucial for maintaining the data and results generated during the CPU's processing.

Why is the CPU Important?

The CPU is important because it controls and coordinates all the activities of a computer. Without a CPU, a computer wouldn't be able to perform any tasks or run programs. It is responsible for processing data, running software, and making the computer do what you want it to do.

Types of CPUs

There are different types of CPUs, such as those found in desktop computers, laptops, tablets, and even smartphones. Each type of CPU is designed to meet the specific needs of the device it is used in.

CPUs come in different types, each designed for specific purposes. Let's explore a few of them:

1. Desktop CPUs

These CPUs are commonly found in desktop computers that you use at home or school. They are designed to handle a wide range of tasks, from browsing the internet and playing games to creating documents and editing videos. Desktop CPUs are usually powerful and can handle demanding applications.

2. Laptop CPUs

Laptop CPUs are similar to desktop CPUs, but they are specifically designed to be more energy-efficient. This allows laptops to run on battery power for longer periods. Laptop CPUs strike a balance between performance and power consumption, making them suitable for portable devices like laptops and notebooks.

3. Server CPUs

Server CPUs are designed to handle heavy workloads in large computer systems called servers. Servers are used to store and process data for websites, online games, and other services that many people use simultaneously. Server CPUs are optimized for multitasking and can handle multiple requests at the same time, ensuring smooth performance for users.

4. Mobile CPUs

Mobile CPUs power smartphones, tablets, and other mobile devices. These CPUs are built to be extremely power-efficient, as mobile devices run on batteries and need to conserve energy. Mobile CPUs provide the processing power needed for tasks like browsing the internet, taking photos, and running apps on your phone or tablet.

5. Embedded CPUs

Embedded CPUs are specialized CPUs that are built into everyday objects and devices like cars, refrigerators, and game consoles. They handle specific tasks within these devices, such as controlling the engine in a car or displaying graphics in a gaming console. Embedded CPUs are designed to be compact, low-power, and reliable.

These are just a few examples of the different types of CPUs. Each type is tailored to meet specific needs and requirements, making computers and devices capable of performing a wide range of tasks efficiently.

The brain of a computer

The CPU is like the brain of a computer, carrying out instructions and performing calculations. It is responsible for the computer's ability to process data and run programs. By understanding how CPUs work, you can appreciate the important role they play in making computers function. Keep exploring and learning more about CPUs and computers to deepen your understanding of this fascinating technology!

CPU Components and Steps

The Central Processing Unit (CPU) is like the brain of a computer. It has different components that work together to process instructions and perform tasks. Let's explore these components and how they are linked to the steps of the CPU.

CPU Components

1. Control Unit (CU) is responsible for managing and coordinating the activities of the CPU. It controls the flow of data and instructions within the CPU and ensures that the right operations are performed at the right time.

2. Arithmetic Logic Unit (ALU) performs mathematical calculations (like addition, subtraction) and logical operations (like comparisons). It's like the calculator of the CPU that carries out these calculations and comparisons.

3. Registers are small, fast memory units located inside the CPU. They hold data and instructions that are being actively used by the CPU. Registers provide quick access to important information, allowing the CPU to process data efficiently.

4. Cache Memory. The CPU often has dedicated cache memory, which is a small, high-speed memory that stores frequently accessed data. It helps speed up the CPU's operation by reducing the time needed to retrieve data from main memory.

5. The bus interface unit manages the communication between the CPU and other components of the computer system, such as memory and input/output devices.

6. The clock generates regular electrical pulses that synchronize the operations of the CPU. It ensures that different components of the CPU work together in a coordinated manner.

7. Floating-Point Unit (FPU). Some CPUs have a separate unit called the FPU, which specializes in performing complex floating-point arithmetic operations used in scientific calculations and graphics rendering.


Registers are small, fast memory units located inside the CPU that play a crucial role in the processing of instructions. They hold data and instructions that are actively used by the CPU during its operations. Let's explore some types of registers and their purposes:

Types of Registers
1. Instruction Register (IR)

The Instruction Register holds the currently fetched instruction from memory. It's like a command that tells the CPU what to do next. The control unit decodes this instruction and understands the specific operation that needs to be performed, such as adding two numbers or comparing values.

2. Program Counter (PC)

The Program Counter keeps track of the memory address of the next instruction to be fetched from memory. It's like a GPS for the CPU, telling it where to find the next instruction. After fetching an instruction, the PC is incremented to point to the next instruction, allowing the CPU to follow the program's sequence.

3. Accumulator

The Accumulator is a general-purpose register used for temporary storage during calculations. It's like a scratchpad where the CPU can write down the results of math problems or logical comparisons. The ALU (Arithmetic Logic Unit) performs calculations using the data stored in the accumulator, helping the CPU solve complex tasks.

4. Memory Address Register (MAR)

The Memory Address Register holds the address of the memory location that is being read from or written to. It's like a label that tells the CPU which specific spot in memory it should look at or save data to. The MAR helps the CPU find the right place in memory to read or write information.

5. Memory Data Register (MDR)

The Memory Data Register holds the data that has been read from or will be written to the memory location specified by the MAR. It's like a temporary storage area where the CPU can put the information it reads from memory or the data it wants to save to memory. The MDR helps the CPU transfer data between memory and other registers.

Registers are like special helpers inside the CPU. They help the CPU keep track of instructions, store intermediate results, find the right places in memory, and perform calculations. By using registers, the CPU can work faster and more efficiently, making your computer run smoothly and perform all sorts of amazing tasks!

Steps of the CPU

Now, let's understand how these CPU components are linked to the steps of fetch, decode, execute, and store:

CPU components and Fetch Step

In the fetch step, the CPU retrieves the next instruction from the computer's memory. The control unit sends a request to the memory, and the instruction is brought into the CPU. This instruction is stored in a special register called the instruction register (IR). It's like the CPU reading and understanding a line of instructions.

CPU components and Decode Step

After the instruction is fetched, the control unit decodes it to understand what operation needs to be performed. It determines the specific task the CPU should carry out based on the instruction. It's like the CPU figuring out what needs to be done after reading the instruction.

CPU components and Execute Step

In the execute step, the ALU performs the actual task specified by the decoded instruction. For example, if the instruction is to add two numbers, the ALU performs the addition. It's like the CPU rolling up its sleeves and doing the work assigned to it.

CPU components and Store Step

Once the task is executed, the CPU stores the result in memory or in a designated register. This allows the result to be accessed and used later. It's like the CPU saving the outcome of its hard work for future use.

By following these steps, the CPU can process instructions, perform calculations, and carry out tasks that make the computer work. The control unit, ALU, and registers work together harmoniously to execute instructions and accomplish various computing tasks.

The clock

The clock acts like a heartbeat for the computer. It sends regular pulses of electricity, like the ticking of a clock, to synchronize the activities of the CPU. Just like how you follow the beat of a song when dancing, the CPU follows the beat of the clock to perform tasks at the right time. The clock helps make sure that everything happens in order and at the correct speed, making the computer run smoothly.


The buses are like highways that allow different parts of the computer to communicate with each other. Just as cars use roads to travel from one place to another, the CPU and other components of the computer use buses to send information back and forth. There are different types of buses, such as the data bus and the address bus.

The data bus

The data bus carries the actual data, like the words of a message.

The address bus

The address bus carries the memory locations, like the addresses of houses on a street.

These buses ensure that information can flow between the CPU, memory, and other devices, allowing the computer to perform tasks and store and retrieve data.

Clock Speed

The clock speed determines how fast the CPU can execute instructions. It is measured in gigahertz (GHz) and represents the number of cycles per second that the CPU can handle. A higher clock speed generally means faster processing.

Explaining Gigahertz in Simple Terms
Gigahertz measures the speed of something called "electrical waves."

Electrical waves are a special kind of energy that can flow through wires and make things work. Just like when you throw a pebble into a pond and see ripples spreading out, electrical waves move through wires in a similar way.

Imagine you have a string that you can wiggle up and down. When you wiggle it, you create waves that travel from one end to the other. Well, electrical waves are a bit like that, except they travel through special wires called "electricity wires" instead of a string.

These waves carry something called electricity, which is like a magical power that makes things happen. When the waves flow through a wire, they can bring energy to devices like light bulbs, computers, and televisions. This energy is what makes the light bulb glow or the TV show pictures and sounds.

You can think of electrical waves as messengers that carry the energy needed to make our devices work. They travel really quickly, even faster than a blink of an eye!

It's important to remember that electrical waves are special and need to be handled safely. That's why we have special outlets and plugs to make sure the waves go where they should and don't cause any harm.

So, the next time you see a light bulb turning on or a TV playing your favorite show, remember that it's all thanks to those amazing electrical waves that bring energy and make our devices come to life!

Understanding electrical waves helps us appreciate how electricity works and how it powers many of the things we use every day.

Gigahertz and Computers

Computers and other electronic devices use gigahertz to show how quickly they can do things. The higher the number of gigahertz, the faster the device can work. It's like having a super-fast superhero inside the computer! Gigahertz is a special word that helps us measure how fast something called 'electrical waves' can move. Just like you can measure how fast a car goes in miles per hour, gigahertz measures the speed of these electrical waves. It tells us how many billions of times those waves can move in just one second! It's like counting how many steps a super speedy runner can take in the blink of an eye. Gigahertz helps us understand how quick and zippy these electrical waves can be

So, when you hear the word "gigahertz," think of it as a way to talk about speed. It helps us understand how quickly our gadgets can do their jobs and make things happen. Isn't it amazing how gigahertz makes our technology so fast and efficient?

Number of Cores

CPUs can have multiple cores, which are like independent processing units within a single chip. More cores allow the CPU to handle multiple tasks simultaneously, improving overall performance and multitasking capabilities.

Imagine you want to bake a cake. One CPU core can mix the ingredients, another can bake the cake in the oven, and yet another can decorate it with yummy frosting. Each core is doing its part of the work at the same time, making the cake ready in no time!

A CPU core is a separate processing unit capable of executing instructions independently. It includes the Arithmetic Logic Unit (ALU), registers, and control unit necessary for performing calculations, logic operations, and managing instructions.

Modern CPUs can have multiple CPU cores, such as dual-core, quad-core, or even higher core counts. Each CPU core operates as a separate processing unit, capable of handling instructions and tasks simultaneously. This parallel processing ability enables better multitasking and improves overall performance and responsiveness of the computer.

Cache Memory

Cache memory is a small but very fast memory located inside the CPU. It stores frequently accessed data and instructions, providing quick access to them. Larger cache sizes and faster cache memory help reduce the time it takes for the CPU to retrieve data, improving performance.


The CPU's architecture refers to its design and organization. Different architectures can have varying levels of efficiency and performance. Advanced architectures often incorporate optimizations to enhance speed and efficiency.

Think of it like a team of tiny workers inside the CPU, each with its own job. Some workers do math, some remember things, and others make decisions. They all work together to make sure the computer can do all the tasks we ask it to do, like playing games or showing pictures. Just like a superhero needs a strong and organized team, the CPU's architecture makes sure all the workers communicate and work together efficiently. This way, our computers can be really smart and super fast. CPU architecture is like the master plan that helps the CPU components work together effectively.

Thermal Design Power (TDP)

TDP represents the maximum amount of heat a CPU generates and needs to dissipate. It is expressed in watts (W). CPUs with lower TDP values tend to be more power-efficient and generate less heat, which can positively impact performance and system stability.

Have you ever noticed that your computer or laptop can get warm when you use it for a long time? That's because the different parts inside, like the CPU, produce heat when they work. The Thermal Design Power, or TDP, is a way to measure how much heat the CPU can make.

To keep the CPU cool, we need a special cooling system, like fans or heatsinks. These cooling systems help remove the heat and prevent the CPU from getting too hot. It's like having a mini air conditioner for the CPU!

These factors, among others, influence how quickly a CPU can perform tasks and how well it handles various workloads. Computer manufacturers carefully balance these factors to create CPUs that deliver optimal performance for different types of applications and user needs.