Variables in programming for secondary school


The Magic of Variables: Understanding Python Variables

Python is a powerful programming language that allows us to store and manipulate data. One of the key concepts in Python is variables. In this article, we will explore variables, their purpose, how to use them, and provide simple examples that are easy for everyone to understand and enjoy.

Understanding the Purpose of Variables

Variables are like containers that hold information or data. They allow us to store values and give them names so that we can use them later in our programs. Think of variables as labeled boxes that keep things organized and easily accessible!

Creating and Using Variables

In Python, creating a variable is simple. You choose a name for your variable and assign a value to it using the equals sign (=). Here's an example:
name = "Alice"
In this example, we create a variable called "name" and assign it the value "Alice." Now, we can use the variable "name" throughout our program to refer to the value "Alice."

Updating Variables

Variables are not fixed; they can change their values. We can update the value of a variable by assigning a new value to it. Here's an example:
age = 12
print("My age is", age)
age = 13
print("Now I'm", age, "years old!")

In this example, we initially assign the value 12 to the variable "age" and print it. Then, we update the value of "age" to 13 and print it again. The output will reflect the new value.

Using Variables in Calculations

Variables are handy for performing calculations. We can assign values to variables and use those variables in mathematical expressions. Here's an example:
num1 = 5
num2 = 7
result = num1 + num2
print("The sum of", num1, "and", num2, "is", result)

In this example, we create two variables, "num1" and "num2," and assign them values. We then add these values together and store the result in the variable "result." Finally, we print the result using the variables.

Best Practices for Using Variables

Choose meaningful variable names

Use names that describe what the variable represents, making your code easier to understand.

Be consistent with case sensitivity

Python is case-sensitive, so "myVariable" and "myvariable" are treated as different variables.

Update variables purposefully

Make sure to assign new values to variables intentionally and keep track of their changes.

Comment your code

Add comments to explain the purpose of variables and their values, helping others (and yourself!) understand the code.

Variables are an essential concept in Python

Variables are an essential concept in Python programming. They allow us to store and manipulate data, making our programs more flexible and powerful. Remember, variables are like labeled containers that hold valuable information. With practice and creativity, you can use variables to create amazing programs that solve problems and bring ideas to life. Enjoy the journey of coding and exploring the magic of variables in Python!

Start to use variables

Before you are using variables you need to define or create them. If you will use a variable which is not difined yet, or it is defined before you are using this variable, your program will show you an error. To create a variable you need to pick the name of the variable and assign the value to this variable using assignment operator (=). Try to pick meaningful names for your variables.


Please pick a variable you would use for every single calculation and click a button to check the answer.

  • num_1 = 2
  • num_2 = 5
  • num_3 = 8
  • num_4 = 11
  • num_5 = 3
  • num_6 = 4
  • num_7 = 6
  • num_8 = 9
  • num_9 = 1