Why systems are attacked

Motivating factors for attacking digital systems

About system attacks and external threats

By now, you may have noticed that many organizations rely heavily on digital systems to store information and carry out important tasks. These digital systems help them work more efficiently and access data quickly. However, there's something important to understand: the more organizations depend on these digital tools, the more they attract the attention of cyber attackers who try to harm them online.


  • Digital Systems

    These are like the computers, software, and online platforms that we use every day. They help organizations keep track of things, like customer information, sales, and important documents.

  • Efficiency

    Digital systems make things faster and easier for companies. They can quickly find the information they need and complete tasks more efficiently than with paper and manual methods.

  • Data Security

    Organizations need to protect their digital systems and the information stored in them. Just like we lock our doors to keep our homes safe, they use security measures to keep their digital systems safe.

  • Cyber Attacks

    Some people with bad intentions, known as cyber attackers or hackers, try to break into these digital systems. They might do this to steal information, cause problems, or just make trouble.

  • Online Security

    To stay safe, organizations invest in online security. They use things like strong passwords, firewalls, and antivirus software to protect their digital systems from attacks.

  • Constant Battle

    t's like a constant game of hide and seek between the organizations and the cyber attackers. Organizations keep improving their defenses, and attackers keep finding new ways to try and get in.

  • Importance of Cybersecurity

    Understanding this helps us realize the importance of being responsible online, using strong passwords, and not clicking on suspicious links or emails. It's also a field where people can have careers in keeping the digital world safe.

Polices, procedures, technologies and actions

Cybersecurity encompasses a set of elements, including policies, procedures, technologies, and the actions of individuals, all working together to safeguard against both internal and external threats.


These are like rules and guidelines that an organization or individual sets to define how they will protect their digital systems and data. Cybersecurity policies can include password requirements, access control policies, and incident response plans.


Procedures are the step-by-step instructions that outline how to implement the policies effectively. For example, a procedure might describe how to conduct a security audit, respond to a data breach, or perform regular software updates.


In the context of cybersecurity, technologies refer to the tools, software, and hardware that help protect digital systems. This can include firewalls, antivirus software, encryption tools, and intrusion detection systems, among others.


Individuals play a crucial role in cybersecurity. Their actions include practices like using strong and unique passwords, being cautious about clicking on suspicious links or emails (phishing awareness), and reporting security incidents promptly.

All of these components work together to create a comprehensive cybersecurity strategy. Policies and procedures set the rules and guidelines, technologies provide the necessary security tools, and the actions of individuals ensure that security measures are followed and maintained. The goal is to protect digital systems and data from a wide range of threats, whether they come from within the organization or from external sources.

Reasons why systems are attacked

In the digital age we live in, where computers and gadgets are an integral part of our daily lives, it's vital to know that not everyone online has good intentions. There are people who try to break into computer systems for various reasons. To understand why this happens, we're going to dive into the motivations behind these attacks.

Fun/Challenge (Cyberattack for Thrills)

Sometimes, individuals target computer systems just for the excitement of it or to test their skills. It's like a digital adventure where they explore systems to see if they can get past security measures. However, these actions can still cause harm and are often illegal.

Example: In 1999, a teenager named David L. Smith created the "Melissa" virus as a fun experiment. The virus spread through infected email attachments, causing email systems to crash and causing widespread disruption. Smith was eventually caught and sentenced to jail.

Industrial Espionage (Cyberattack for Competitive Advantage)

Industrial espionage cyberattacks are driven by the aim to gain a competitive advantage over rival organizations or nations. Attackers seek to steal trade secrets, intellectual property, or sensitive business information, often for economic or political reasons. Such attacks can impact national security and economic stability.

Example: In 2015, it was revealed that Chinese hackers had conducted cyber espionage campaigns targeting various U.S. companies, particularly in the healthcare and technology sectors. The goal was to steal valuable intellectual property and gain a competitive edge. This type of cyberattack highlighted the ongoing challenge of protecting sensitive business information from espionage efforts.

Personal Attack (Cyberattack for Harm)

Individuals may target someone's computer or online accounts as a way of harming them personally. This might involve spreading false information, trying to damage someone's online identity, or causing them trouble.

Example: In 2014, a celebrity photo hack, often referred to as "Celebgate" or "The Fappening," involved attackers gaining unauthorized access to the private iCloud accounts of numerous celebrities. They then leaked private photos, causing harm to the individuals' personal lives and reputations.

Disruption (Cyberattack for Chaos):

Cyberattacks can disrupt important systems or services, causing chaos and inconvenience. For example, an attack on a power grid could lead to power outages, affecting many people.

Example: In 2015, a cyberattack on Ukraine's power grid left around 225,000 people without electricity during a cold winter night. The attack disrupted power distribution systems and caused significant inconvenience to residents.

Data/Information Theft (Cyberattack for Data)

Some attackers break into computer systems to steal sensitive information, like credit card details or personal records. This stolen data can be used for illegal activities or sold to others.

Example: The Target data breach in 2013 affected millions of customers. Attackers stole credit card information and personal data, resulting in financial losses and identity theft for many individuals. This breach highlighted the importance of protecting customer data for businesses.

Financial Gain (Cyberattack for Profit)

Some cyberattacks are motivated by the desire for financial gain. Attackers target computer systems with the goal of stealing valuable information or assets, which they can later sell, use for fraudulent activities, or profit from in other ways. These attacks can have severe financial consequences for individuals and organizations.

Example: In 2013, cybercriminals targeted the U.S. retail giant Target, resulting in one of the largest retail data breaches in history. The attackers stole credit card information and personal data of millions of customers. This breach led to significant financial losses for both Target and the affected customers, illustrating how cyberattacks can be financially motivated.

Cyber Attack Motives Quiz

Welcome to the Cyber Attack Motives Quiz! In this fun and educational quiz, we'll explore the different reasons why some people target computer systems and networks. You'll get to test your knowledge and learn about the various motives behind cyberattacks, from challenges and personal grudges to stealing valuable information and causing disruptions. Let's dive in and discover the fascinating world of cybersecurity together!"

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