Visual Studio Code Guide

Visual studio code

A magic tool

Functionality of Visual studio code

Visual Studio Code is a special computer program that helps people create and edit different kinds of computer code. It's like a magic tool that programmers use to write instructions for computers. Even though it might sound complex, Visual Studio Code can be lots of fun to use!

When you open Visual Studio Code, you'll see a colorful and friendly interface. There are many options to explore, and each one does something unique. Here are a few of the exciting things you can do with Visual Studio Code:

  1. Writing Code
    Visual Studio Code is perfect for writing code in languages like HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and many more. You can create web pages, make interactive games, or build cool apps using the program.
  2. Themes and Colors
    Visual Studio Code lets you choose different themes and colors to make your coding experience more enjoyable. You can pick bright and vibrant themes or even create your own unique style.
  3. Extensions
    Extensions are like little add-ons that you can install in Visual Studio Code to make it even more powerful. You can find extensions for things like creating art, learning new languages, or even playing games within the program!
  4. Debugging
    When you write code, sometimes things don't work as expected. Visual Studio Code has a special feature called debugging that helps you find and fix mistakes in your code. It's like being a detective and solving puzzles!
  5. Collaboration
    If you're working on a coding project with friends or classmates, Visual Studio Code allows you to collaborate easily. You can share your code, work together in real-time, and learn from each other.

Visual Studio Code offers a fantastic feature called themes, which allow you to customize the appearance of the editor. Themes can make your coding experience more enjoyable by changing the colors, fonts, and overall style of the interface. Whether you prefer a dark and sleek look or a bright and vibrant one, there's a theme for everyone in Visual Studio Code!

Here are some popular themes you can try in Visual Studio Code:

  • Dark+ (default dark theme): A clean and modern dark theme that's easy on the eyes.
  • Light+ (default light theme): A light theme with a clean and minimalistic design.
  • Material Theme: A popular theme inspired by Google's Material Design, featuring vibrant colors and a modern look.
  • Dracula Official: A dark theme with a striking combination of purple and black, creating a visually appealing atmosphere.
  • One Dark Pro: A professional-looking dark theme with a focus on high contrast and clear visibility.

To try out these themes or explore more, open Visual Studio Code, go to the "Extensions" tab on the left sidebar, search for "themes," and install the ones you like. After installing a theme, you can go to the "Preferences" menu and select it as your preferred theme from the "Color Theme" dropdown.

Don't be afraid to experiment with different themes until you find the one that suits your coding style and preferences. Have fun customizing your Visual Studio Code environment!

Different editors

There are also other code editors you can use to write programs. Here are a few popular ones:

  • Atom
    A highly customizable code editor that's beginner-friendly and popular among developers.
  • Sublime Text
    A fast and sleek code editor with a wide range of features and a user-friendly interface.
  • Notepad++
    A simple and lightweight code editor that's easy to use for small projects or quick edits.
  • PyCharm
    A powerful code editor specifically designed for Python programming with advanced features and tools.
  • IntelliJ IDEA
    A comprehensive code editor suitable for Java development, offering intelligent coding assistance.

Remember, Visual Studio Code is just one of many options to explore. It's all part of the coding adventure!

Install Visual Studio Code

Download and install Visual Studio Code from the official website:

Set Up Visual Studio Code

Open Visual Studio Code and configure the settings to your liking. You can choose a theme, customize the layout, and enable useful features.

Create a New File

Start by creating a new file for your code:

  • For HTML: Create a file with the ".html" extension.
  • For JavaScript: Create a file with the ".js" extension.
  • For CSS: Create a file with the ".css" extension.
  • For Python: Create a file with the ".py" extension.
  • For PDF documents: Open the PDF document directly in Visual Studio Code.
  • For Office documents: Convert the document to a compatible format (e.g., DOCX to HTML) and open it in Visual Studio Code.

Write Code with Syntax Highlighting

Visual Studio Code provides syntax highlighting to make your code more readable. Here's an example:

    <title>My First Web Page</title>
    <h1>Hello, World!</h1>
    <p>This is my first web page.</p>

Useful Extensions

Visual Studio Code has many useful extensions that can enhance your coding experience. Here are some recommended extensions for HTML, JavaScript, CSS, Python, and document viewing:

HTML, JavaScript, CSS, and Python

Allows you to write HTML code quickly using shorthand syntax and automatic expansions. For example, you can type "html:5" and press Tab to generate the basic HTML structure.
Auto Close Tag

Automatically closes HTML tags as you type, ensuring proper tag structure and saving time.

HTML CSS Support

Provides CSS support within HTML files, offering autocompletion for class names, IDs, and CSS properties.

HTML Snippets

Offers a collection of HTML snippets that you can quickly insert into your code, reducing the need for manual typing.


Integrates HTMLHint, a static HTML code analysis tool, providing warnings and suggestions for improving the quality of your HTML code.

IntelliSense for CSS class names in HTML

Provides autocompletion and suggestions for CSS class names in HTML files, making it easier to write and maintain CSS styles.

Auto Rename Tag

Automatically renames the corresponding opening or closing HTML tag when you rename one of them, ensuring consistency and saving time.

Live Server

Launches a local development server for web projects, automatically reloading the webpage when changes are made, which is particularly useful for CSS development.


Integrates ESLint, a popular JavaScript linter, into Visual Studio Code, providing real-time feedback on coding errors and enforcing best practices.

Prettier - Code formatter

Automatically formats your JavaScript code according to predefined rules, enhancing code readability and consistency.

Debugger for Chrome

Enables debugging of JavaScript code in Google Chrome directly from Visual Studio Code, allowing you to set breakpoints and step through your code.


Official extension for Python development in Visual Studio Code, offering features like code linting, formatting, IntelliSense, and debugging.


Provides support for Jupyter Notebooks within Visual Studio Code, allowing you to write and execute Python code in notebook-style environments.

Python Test Explorer

Enables easy test discovery and execution for Python projects, displaying test results within Visual Studio Code for efficient testing.

VSCode Icons

Adds icons to file types and folders in Visual Studio Code, making it easier to navigate and visually identify different files and directories.

Check the spelling of your HTML content

In addition to its coding capabilities, Visual Studio Code offers helpful features to ensure the quality of your written content. One such feature is the ability to check the spelling of your HTML content. This can be particularly useful when writing text within HTML tags, such as paragraphs, headings, or even comments.

Visual Studio Code provides various extensions that can help you check spelling within your HTML code. These extensions utilize dictionaries and algorithms to identify potential spelling errors and provide suggestions for corrections. By using these extensions, you can catch and correct typos or misspelled words, resulting in more polished and professional-looking HTML content.

To enable spelling checking in Visual Studio Code, you can install a suitable spell check extension from the Visual Studio Code Marketplace. Some popular spell check extensions include "Code Spell Checker," "Spell Right," and "Hunspell." Once installed, these extensions can automatically highlight potential spelling mistakes in your HTML content, allowing you to review and correct them as needed.

Remember, using a spell check feature can greatly enhance the readability and accuracy of your HTML content. It's always a good practice to review and correct any spelling errors to ensure that your code is not only functional but also well-written.


PDF Viewer
Displays PDF documents directly within Visual Studio Code. You can open a PDF file, scroll through the pages, and even search for text within the document.


Office Viewer
Enables viewing of Office documents (e.g., Word, Excel, PowerPoint) within Visual Studio Code. You can open and read the contents of the document without leaving the editor.

Creating BMP Images

If you want to create BMP images within Visual Studio Code, you can use extensions like "bmp" or "image-preview". These extensions allow you to generate and preview BMP images using Python or other programming languages.

Keyboard Shortcuts

Useful shortcuts

Keyboard shortcuts can make your coding faster and more efficient. Here are some useful shortcuts:

Ctrl + S
Save the current file.
Ctrl + F
Find text within the current file.
Ctrl + /
Toggle line comment for the selected code.
Ctrl + Space
Show IntelliSense suggestions.
Ctrl + D
Select the next occurrence of the current selection.
Ctrl + B
Show or hide the sidebar.
Ctrl + Shift + P
Open the command palette to access various commands.

Customize Default Values

You can customize default values and settings in Visual Studio Code to suit your needs. Here are a few options:

  • Change the format editor for HTML, JavaScript, CSS, and Python files.
  • Modify the indentation style and tab size.
  • Adjust the font size and theme for better readability.
  • Configure specific settings for PDF and Office document viewing.

Create amazing projects

Visual Studio Code is a versatile code editor that allows you to write HTML, JavaScript, CSS, Python code, view PDF documents, Office documents, and customize various settings. By following these steps and exploring the available extensions and shortcuts, you can enhance your coding skills and create amazing projects. Have fun coding with Visual Studio Code!