Data types in Python

Data types

Discovering the World of Data Types in Python

Organize and manipulate different kinds of information

Welcome to the exciting realm of Python programming! In this article, specially designed for beginners like you, we will embark on an adventure to explore the diverse world of data types in Python. Data types allow us to organize and manipulate different kinds of information in our programs. Let's dive in and uncover the wonders of Python data types together!

What are Data Types?

In Python, data types categorize the kind of information we can store and manipulate. Each data type has its unique properties and behaviors. Understanding and utilizing data types is like having a superpower that enables you to work with various forms of data effectively.

Primitive and Non-primitive data types

Primitive data types

Primitive data types are the basic building blocks of information. They include numbers, text, and truth values. For example, the int data type is used to represent whole numbers like 5 or -10. The str data type is used for text, such as names or sentences enclosed in quotation marks, like 'Hello, World!'. The bool data type represents truth values and can be either True or False.

Non-primitive data types

On the other hand, non-primitive data types are more complex and can hold multiple values or even collections of values. Examples of non-primitive data types include lists, tuples, and dictionaries. A list, denoted by square brackets, [ ], can hold multiple values separated by commas. Tuples, denoted by parentheses, ( ), are similar to lists but cannot be changed once created. Dictionaries, denoted by curly braces, { }, store key-value pairs and allow us to access values using their unique keys.

Common Data Types in Python


Numeric data types represent numbers. There are two main numeric data types in Python

Integer (int)

Integers are whole numbers without decimals. Example: 5, -10, 0

Floating-Point (float)

Floating-point numbers have decimal places. Example: 3.14, -0.5, 2.0

String (str)

String data type represents textual information, such as names, sentences, or even symbols. Strings are enclosed in single (') or double (") quotation marks. Example: 'Hello, World!', "Python is awesome!"

Boolean (bool)

Boolean data type represents truth values. It has two possible values: True and False. Booleans are often used for logical comparisons and decision-making. Example: True, False


Lists are used to store multiple values in a single variable. Each value in a list is separated by a comma and enclosed within square brackets ([]). Example: [1, 2, 3, 4], ['apple', 'banana', 'orange']


Tuples are similar to lists but are immutable, meaning their values cannot be changed once defined. Tuples are enclosed within parentheses (()). Example: (1, 2, 3), ('red', 'green', 'blue')


Dictionaries are used to store key-value pairs. Each value is associated with a unique key. Dictionaries are enclosed within curly braces ({}). Example: {'name': 'Alice', 'age': 12, 'country': 'USA'}

Exploring Data Types

Python allows us to determine the data type of a value using the type() function. For example:
name = 'Alice'
print(type(name)) # Output: <class 'str'>

How to memorize data types

Data types quiz will help you to memorize primitive data types. You will be asked to pick the correct data type for 20 values.

You now have the power

Congratulations on uncovering the fascinating world of Python data types! Understanding these data types is like having a toolkit that helps us organize and work with different kinds of information in our Python programs. You now have the power to organize and manipulate different kinds of data. From numeric values to strings, lists, tuples, and dictionaries, each data type serves a unique purpose in building powerful and creative programs. So, keep exploring, practicing, and let your imagination run wild as you continue your coding journey into the amazing world of Python! Happy coding!