CSS display option - flexbox


Dive into the World of CSS Flexbox: A Beginner's Guide

How to create flexible and responsive layouts?

Have you ever wondered how web developers create flexible and responsive layouts? The answer lies in CSS Flexbox! In this article, specially designed for beginners, we will embark on an adventure into the world of CSS Flexbox. We'll explore its purpose, learn how it works, and discover how it can make your web designs look amazing!

Understanding CSS Flexbox

CSS Flexbox is a layout module that helps you arrange elements within a container. It provides a simple and intuitive way to create flexible and responsive designs. With Flexbox, you can easily align, distribute, and reorder elements to build dynamic and visually appealing web pages.

Introduction to CSS Flexbox

CSS flexbox is a powerful layout model that makes it easier to create flexible and responsive web designs. It allows you to arrange and align elements within a container, making it perfect for building dynamic and adaptive web pages.

Getting Started with Flexbox

With flexbox, you can control the layout and positioning of elements in a row or column. By setting the display property of the container to "flex", you enable the flexbox behavior. You can then use various properties to control how the elements inside the container behave, such as flex-direction, justify-content, align-items, and align-self.

Controlling Flexbox Layout

The flex-direction property determines the direction of the flex container, either as a row (horizontally) or as a column (vertically). Justify-content is used to align the elements along the main axis, while align-items aligns them along the cross axis. Additionally, align-self allows you to individually control the alignment of specific flex items.

Additional Flexbox Features

Flexbox also provides features like flex-wrap, which controls whether the flex items should wrap to the next line when they exceed the container's width, and flex-grow and flex-shrink, which determine how the flex items should grow or shrink to fill the available space.

Benefits of CSS Flexbox

Using CSS flexbox, you can easily create responsive layouts, align elements in a flexible manner, and create advanced web designs without relying heavily on floats or positioning. It's a great tool for designing modern and user-friendly websites!

Getting Started with Flexbox

To use Flexbox, you need a container (often referred to as a flex container) and one or more child elements (flex items) within it. Let's dive into the key concepts

Flex Container

To create a Flexbox layout, you need to define a flex container. You can do this by setting the display property of the container element to flex or inline-flex. For example:
.container {
  display: flex;

Flex Items

Once you have a flex container, the child elements inside it become flex items. These items can be aligned, resized, and ordered to achieve the desired layout. By default, flex items will arrange themselves in a row. For example:
.item {
  /* Styles for flex items */

Flexbox Properties

Flexbox offers various properties to control the behavior and appearance of flex containers and items.

Here are a few commonly used properties:


The flex-direction property sets the direction of flex items in a flex container. It determines whether the items should be laid out horizontally in a row or vertically in a column.


.flex-container { flex-direction: row; }

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The justify-content property aligns the flex items along the main axis of the flex container. It controls how the remaining space is distributed between and around the items.


.flex-container { justify-content: center; }

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The align-items property aligns the flex items along the cross axis of the flex container. It controls their vertical alignment within the container.


.flex-container { align-items: flex-start; }

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The flex-wrap property determines whether flex items should wrap onto multiple lines or stay within a single line.


.flex-container { flex-wrap: wrap; }

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The align-content property aligns the flex lines within the flex container when there is extra space in the cross axis.


.flex-container { align-content: space-between; }

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The flex-grow property specifies how much a flex item should grow relative to the other items in the flex container when there is extra space available.


.flex-item { flex-grow: 1; }

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The flex-direction property sets the direction of flex items in a flex container. It determines whether the items should be laid out horizontally in a row or vertically in a column.

Default Value: row


.flex-container { flex-direction: row; }

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The flex-wrap property controls whether flex items should wrap onto multiple lines if they don't fit within a single line. It defines whether the flex container should allow wrapping of the flex items.

Default Value: nowrap


.flex-container { flex-wrap: wrap; }

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Exploring Flexbox in Action

Let's see some examples of how Flexbox can be used to create different layouts:

Horizontal Navigation Bar
<nav class="container">
  <a class="item" href="#">Home</a>
  <a class="item" href="#">About</a>
  <a class="item" href="#">Contact</a>

.container {
  display: flex;
  justify-content: space-around;

.item {
  padding: 10px;
Vertical Centering
<div class="container">
  <div class="item">
   <p>Flexbox makes layout easy!</p>

.container {
  display: flex;
  justify-content: center;
  align-items: center;
  height: 300px;

.item {
  text-align: center;

Next step

Congratulations! You've taken your first steps into the world of CSS Flexbox. With Flexbox, you can create flexible and responsive layouts. To find some more information you can read a complete guide to flexbox.

Using CSS Flexbox for Main Navigation

When styling the main navigation of a webpage, CSS Flexbox can be a powerful tool to create flexible and responsive layouts. By applying Flexbox properties to the container of the navigation items, we can easily control their alignment, spacing, and order.

Setting up the Container

To start, we wrap the navigation items inside a container element, such as a <nav> or <div> element. We can then apply the following Flexbox properties to the container:

  • display: flex; - This property turns the container into a flex container, enabling the use of Flexbox properties.
  • justify-content: - This property determines how the navigation items are horizontally aligned within the container. For example, we can use justify-content: center; to center the items, or justify-content: space-between; to distribute the items evenly along the container.
  • align-items: - This property controls the vertical alignment of the navigation items. We can use align-items: center; to center the items vertically, or align-items: flex-start; to align them at the top of the container.
  • flex-direction: - This property determines the direction of the navigation items within the container. For a horizontal navigation, we can use flex-direction: row; , and for a vertical navigation, we can use flex-direction: column; .

Navigation menu

Let's assume we have a navigation menu with the following HTML structure:

<nav class="main-navigation"> <ul class="menu"> <li><a href="#">Home</a></li> <li><a href="#">About</a></li> <li><a href="#">Services</a></li> <li><a href="#">Contact</a></li> </ul> </nav>

We can apply the following Flexbox properties to the .menu class to create a flexible navigation layout:

.menu { display: flex; justify-content: space-between; align-items: center; }

Customizing the Layout

By adjusting these Flexbox properties, we can easily create a navigation layout that adapts to different screen sizes and provides a consistent user experience across devices.

In the example above, the display: flex; property turns the .menu container into a flex container, allowing us to control the alignment and spacing of the navigation items. The justify-content: space-between; property distributes the items evenly along the container, while the align-items: center; property vertically aligns the items in the center. This creates a horizontal navigation menu with equal spacing between each item.

Experiment and Adapt

Feel free to experiment with different Flexbox properties and values to create your own custom navigation layouts. By adjusting these properties, you can easily adapt the layout to fit different screen sizes and provide a seamless user experience across devices.